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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Vanity, vanity- all is vanity!

I guess Ecclesiastes sums up blogs for me.
In vain do I subscribe to them every now and then, because I never get around to reading them (except for

Ironic, then to have created one. Sure it was free, but why?

I've been challenged in preparing ecofaith for this week to revisit "do brave deeds and endure," my old (loathed) school's motto. This time in the shape of trying to write some small pieces called God Bothering, and see if the local paper will run them.

If they do, the plan is that this blog will become the place where people respond and continue to do some "Backyard Theology"

If it's 2014 when you're reading this, and this is still the only post, clearly I failed and I'll happily release the blog name to you.